Welcome friend, I’m Sam!

I can’t wait to help YOU!

I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Practitioner, seasoned chef, and daughter in Christ.

My friend, you belong here if you’re looking for a holistic and science backed solution to digestive dysfunction, brain fog, thinning hair, & aging skin.

Chances are you found me because you’re struggling to get through your day. Your digestion is a wreck and your fatigue has changed how you serve others and our Savior.

Here’s the best news you’ll hear all day - you have much more control over your thyroid, gut, & metabolism than you think. Now is the time to make sustainable and impactful changes to your health.

I help mid-life women restore their energy & mental clarity, accomplish body composition goals, and build a sustainable & joyful relationship with food.

Results my clients have had:

  • improved metabolism resulting in weight releasing from stomach & hips 

  • improved digestion (less stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, acid reflux)

  • restored energy levels without relying on caffeine, sugar, or energy drinks

  • improved cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, vitamin D & calcium markers

  • can fall asleep easily, stay asleep, & wake feeling rested

  • reduction of adult acne, skin looks younger & healthier 

  • decreased headaches & migraines

  • decreased anxiety, depression, & brain fog

  • hair growth, less thinning, and takes on a better texture

  • reduced food sensitivities, seasonal allergies, & less prone to sunburns  

  • less grumpy, agitated, irritable, and overly-reactive. They’re able to manage their stress vs letting it control their life

  • they enjoy their picture being taken, their reflection in the mirror, and wearing their clothes

  • they’re productive at work, keep up with their grandkids, and don’t dread getting older & more!

“Prior to starting my journey with Sam, I had bloodwork done that caused me to be concerned about the direction of my health, which is why I sought help with Sam. She was very patient with me, listened to my needs and concerns, & educated me about how food affects our lives, & how we can change the trajectory of our lives, simply by taking more control over what we eat, knowing what is good for our bodies, & things we should avoid. “

Denise W.

Let’s add your testimonial… what’s holding you back from feeling better?

“I feel so much better regarding my digestion and have even noticed small improvements in my hair and skin.

I feel very comfortable with my relationship with food and feel much more empowered now!”

Lisa L.

Our Services

  • 5 Month 1:1 Nutritional Therapy Program

    This program is life changing, sustainable, and science based.

    It is not a quick-fix or medicated approach to health. Real and long-lasting changes start with building consistent & sustainable habits.

    As an NTP I believe in a bioindividual approach when it comes to our health. Although there are basic nutrition foundations from which everyone can benefit, your body will thrive when you nourish it properly & specifically to your needs.

    You will understand your ongoing symptoms, why these things keep reoccurring for you, and the best nutrition & lifestyle practices you can adapt for long term satisfaction.

  • HTMA Single Session

    The HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a functional test used to get a deeper picture of a client's thyroid function, metabolism, stress response, gut health, and so much more.

    By using a small sample of hair we can see mineral levels, ratios, and heavy metals within your cells. (Blood labs only analyze what’s going on outside your cells)

    Minerals are like the spark plugs for our body! Among the 100’s of roles minerals play in the body they encourage energy production, an optimal metabolism, a healthy thyroid and hormone balance. Functional testing was a game changer for my health journey and understanding long term symptoms like chronic fatigue, depression and chronic constipation.